
Betula pollen is a common cause of pollinosis in northern and central Europe. The aim of the study was to characterize the birch pollen seasons in Szczecin in 2000 - 2004 and diurnal periodicity of pollen in the air. Measurements were performed using the volumetric method. The analysed meteorological parameters were the maximum temperature, relative humidity, rainfall and wind speed. The beginning and end of a season were established by the 95% method. During five studied years the highest concentration of birch pollen in the air was noted in 2003, with the pollen season starting in the middle of April and lasting till the 11<sup>th</sup> of May. The highest pollen count of 5736 grains per 1m<sup>3</sup> was observed in the end of April. Two peaks of the of birch pollen grains per 1m<sup>3</sup> were observed daily. The highest concentration was noted between 2-4 p.m. A positive and statistically significant correlation was found between the birch pollen concentration and air temperature and wind speed. A negative correlation was found in case of the relative humidity. Besides the individual rhythm of pollination, the meteorological conditions are the most important factors influencing the birch pollen concentration in the air.


  • Diagram dobowego rozk3adu stê¿enia py3ku brzozy ustalono na podstawie wartoœci œrednich z trzech dni w latach 2000-2004

  • 3. Badania prowadzone w Szczecinie potwierdzaj[1] wystêpowanie u brzozy naprzemiennego, dwuletniego rytmu niskich i wysokich stê¿eñ py3ku

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Ziarna py3ku brzozy najobficiej wystêpuj[1] w powietrzu wiosn[1], a termin pocz1tku sezonu py3kowego i jego przebieg w du¿ej mierze zale¿1 od warunków pogodowych. W prowadzonych od pocz1tku roku 2000 badaniach powietrza w Szczecinie, analiza stê¿enia py3ku brzozy pos3u¿y3a do porównania obrazów pylenia i rocznych sum py3ku w kolejnych latach, oceny wp3ywu czynników pogodowych na stê¿enie py3ku omawianego taksonu oraz scharakteryzowania dobowej rytmiki wystêpowania py3ku brzozy w powietrzu. Analizê stê¿enia ziaren py3ku brzozy w Szczecinie przeprowadzono na podstawie danych z lat 2000 2004.

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