
The complete measurement of the quantum state of two correlated photons requires reconstructing the amplitude and phase of the biphoton wavefunction. We show how, by means of spatially resolved single photon detection, one can infer the spatial structure of biphotons generated by spontaneous parametric down conversion. In particular, a spatially resolved analysis of the second-order correlations allows us to isolate the moduli of the pump and phase-matching contributions to the two-photon states. When carrying this analysis on different propagation planes, the free-space propagation of pump and phase-matching is observed. This result allows us, in principle, to gain enough information to also reconstruct the phase of the pump and the phase-matching and thus the full biphoton wavefunction. We show this in different examples where the pump is shaped as a superposition of orbital angular momentum modes or as a smooth amplitude with a phase structure with no singularities. The corresponding phase structure is retrieved employing maximum likelihood or genetic algorithms. These findings have potential applications in fast, efficient quantum state characterization that does not require phase locking of the unknown source with a reference biphoton.

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