
Abstract Cells of Petroselinum crispum cv. “Paramount” and “Plain-leaved” immobilized in polyurethane foam retained the biotransformational characteristics of their freely suspended cells for certain monoterpenic substrates. Immobilized cells of both cultivars were more efficient than their free cells in isomerizing geraniol into nerol, but less efficient (<60% ) in reducing the aldehydes, citral and citronellal. Maintenance of the immobilized cells under the condition of growth limitation did not enhance the efficiency of the biochemical reactions. Under the same condition, the freely suspended cells of cult. “Paramount” exhibited higher efficiency (up to 1.6 times) of biotransformation of citral when compared to those in sucrose-supplemented media. This investigation lends support to the view that the biochemical productivity of cultured plant cells for especially monoterpenoids may not necessarily be improved upon immobilization.

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