
Among the important factors affecting the biotransformation of xenobiotic chemicals upon their release into the environment are the dominant electron acceptor condition present and the presence of other, more readily degraded carbon sources. Here, glass-bead biofilm columns were used to investigate the effects of the presence of three different inorganic electron acceptor conditions (oxygen respiration, nitrate reduction, and sulfate reduction) on the biotransformation of the acetanilide herbicides alachlor and propachlor, and to determine the effects of two exogenous carbon sources (acetate and glucose) on their biotransformation under each of these conditions. Biotransformation of alachlor and propachlor occurred in the presence of both carbon sources and under each of the three electron acceptor conditions. Both were transformed most rapidly under sulfate-reducing conditions. Analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) did not reveal any significant metabolic products. Both herbicides react abiotically with bisulfide, produced within the sulfate-reducing cultures, though most of the transformation was attributed to the microorganisms. The primary, readily degraded carbon source (acetate or glucose) was needed to establish each culture, and its continuous presence was required to sustain herbicide biotransformation in the sulfate-reducing reactors. Loss of either acetate or glucose from the column influent did not significantly affect herbicide biotransformation in the aerobic or nitratereducing reactors, at least for short periods. Temporary loss of the external electron acceptors (O2, NO- 3or SO4 2-) slowed transformation of both herbicides.

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