
The Vitamin D External Quality Assessment Scheme (DEQAS) distributes serum samples globally, on a quarterly basis, to assess participants’ performance of specific methods for 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25-(OH)2D). DEQAS occasionally circulates samples containing high levels of substances found in certain clinical situations e.g. 25-OHD2, 24,25-(OH)2D3, hypertriglyceridemia. The increased availability and use of health supplements containing biotin has led to case reports of assay interference in methods utilizing a biotin-streptavidin detection system. In October 2018, DEQAS included a serum sample (545) containing exogenous biotin (concentration =586 μg/L) which was analyzed by a total of 683 laboratories using 35 different methods. The same serum sample (544) without exogenous biotin was also included in the 5-sample set. All methods (760 laboratories) performed satisfactorily on sample 544 giving an All-Laboratory Trimmed Mean = 50.2 ± 6.5 nmol/L (±SD, CV = 12.9 %). The target value for this sample 544 (& 555) was 47.4 nmol/L as determined by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Atlanta, Georgia using their LC–MS/MS reference method. In contrast, #545 containing the exogenous biotin was reported by only 683 laboratories and gave an All-Laboratory Trimmed Mean = 66.8 ± 37.6 nmol/L (±SD, CV = 56.3 %). As expected, LC-MS/MS methods (143 labs) reported similar results for both 544 = 48.9 ± 4.4 nmol/L (±SD) and 545 = 48.3 ± 4.5 nmol/L (±SD) showing that assays involving chromatographic steps are unaffected by the presence of biotin. Several of the antibody-based assays including Abbott Architect, DiaSorin Liaison, Beckman Unicel and Siemens Centaur are also unaffected by the addition of biotin. Two assays, IDS-iSYS and Roche Total 25OHD, both of which use biotin-streptavidin, exhibit biotin interference yielding values with a significant positive bias for 545 of 102.6 nmol/L ± 78.7 nmol/L (±SD) and 517.8 nmol/L ± 209.8 nmol/L (±SD) respectively. Interestingly, the failure to report sample 545 data from 77 laboratories is due solely to those running Roche Total 25OHD or Roche Vitamin D Total II assays. Given the prevalence of the adversely affected assays (25 % of DEQAS users) and the high volume of 25OHD testing, clinicians using these assays should, where possible, only measure 25OHD when patients are off biotin.

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