
The determinants of local species richness in plant communities have been the subject of much debate. Is species richness the result of stochastic events such as dispersal processes, or do local environmental filters sort species into communities according to their ecological niches? Recent studies suggest that these two processes simultaneously limit species richness, although their relative importance may vary in space and time. Understanding the limiting factors for species richness is especially important in light of the ongoing global warming, as new species establish in resident plant communities as a result of climate‐driven migration. We examined the relative importance of dispersal and environmental filtering during seedling recruitment and plant establishment in an alpine plant community subjected to seed addition and long‐term experimental warming. Seed addition increased species richness during the seedling recruitment stage, but this initial increase was cancelled out by a corresponding decrease in species richness during plant establishment, suggesting that environmental filters limit local species richness in the long term. While initial recruitment success of the sown species was related to both abiotic and biotic factors, long‐term establishment was controlled mainly by biotic factors, indicating an increase in the relative importance of biotic interactions once plants have germinated in a microhabitat with favourable abiotic conditions. The relative importance of biotic interactions also seemed to increase with experimental warming, suggesting that increased competition within the resident vegetation may decrease community invasibility as the climate warms.

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