
One strain of Pseudomonas andropogonis incorporated radioactivity from l-[U- 14C]-aspartic acid into l- threo-hydroxythreonine, and three strains incorporated radioactivity into both l- threo-hydroxythreonine and rhizobitoxine. l-[ 14C]- threo-hydroxythreonine was isolated from a culture of P. andropogonis that had been provided with l-[U- 14C]-aspartic acid for 35 min, and purified. When this was fed to a rhizobitoxine-producing strain of P. andropogonis, < 20% of the radioactivity supplied was removed from the medium in 5–6 hr. Radioactivity in the medium was found to be in hydroxythreonine and rhizobitoxine. A high level of the utilized radioactivity from hydroxythreonine had been incorporated into rhizobitoxine. These data support the proposal that biosynthesis of rhizobitoxine proceeds through l-aspartic acid and that hydroxythreonine is an intermediate en route to rhizo-bitoxine.

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