
Distinguishing of the geologic age from sedimentary rock layers has been one of the important and basic tasks for geological sciences. The objective is to determine the geological age of the sedimentary layers within the Qala e Jafar of Yekawlang district of Bamiyan province by using fossils. In this study, more than 8 fossil specimens were collected and identified over the sedimentary layers of the study area. Different genus and species of Bivalves, Brachiopods, Echinodermata, Corals, and Gastropods were recorded and presented from Qala e Jafar sedimentary layers. Among them, three index fossils determined the relative age of strata, namely: Pholadomya and Carneithyris Subcardinalis. According to the guide fossils and using the assembly fossils aging method, the second sedimentary layer is aged Maastrichtian, and the third layer is aged Campanian. The specifications and living features of the recorded fossils derive a warm oceanic environment in the Late Cretaceous.

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