
In 2 measured sections in the House Range and Drum Mountains, the Chisholm and Dome Formations have a combined thickness of approximately 600 ft. The Chisholm Formation consists of shale and thin-bedded limestone. In the House Range the Dome Limestone forms massive cliffs, but in the Drum Mountains it is thin-bedded and forms slopes. Trilobite faunas of the lower half of the Chisholm Formation in the House Range and the entire Chisholm of the Drum Mountains are typical of the Glossopleura assemblage zone. These include 12 genera and 19 species. Faunas from the Dome Limestone and the upper half of the Chisholm Formation in the House Range are not diagnostic of either the Glossopleura or Bathyuriscus-Elrathina Zones. In the Drum Mountains the Dome Limestone in unfossiliferous. Poliella is the only trilobite found in the upper half of the Chisholm Formation in the House Range. It has been reported previously below and, in one place, in association with Glossopleura. The reversed stratigraphic occurrence of Glossopleura and Poliella in the House Range indicates that the use of Poliella as an index to a lower Middle Cambrian zone should be evaluated. The Glossopleura fauna of western Utah shows strong affinities with faunas of the upper Arrojos Formation of Sonora, Mexico; upper Bright Angel Shale of the Grand Canyon, Arizona; lower Stephen Formation of British Columbia; upper Pioche Shale of the northern Egan Range, Nevada; and the Chisholm Shale of the Pioche District, Nevada, Trilobites of the Dome Limestone do not correlate well with any described faunas of similar facies or stratigraphic position. End_of_Article - Last_Page 960------------

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