
The present study deals with the Cenomanian–early Turonian ostracods in the southern Sinai, Egypt. The investigated sequence includes the Raha and Abu Qada formations. The Raha Formation consists of distinctive Cenomanian taxa such as Cytherella aegyptiensis, Veeniacythereis maghrebensis, V. jezzineensis, V. streblolophata streblolophata, Monoceratina trituberculata, and Glenocythere reticulata. Based on the ostracod species, four local biozones are recognized, including Veeniacythereis jezzineensis – Metacythereopteron berbericum, Cytherella eosulcata – Xestoleberis derorimensis, Amphicytherura ziregensis and Perissocytheridea istriana – Cythereis fahrioni. The paleobiogeography of the considered ostracods suggests that there are two bioprovinces, the first of which is the North African province and includes Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria. The second bioprovince represents the Middle East province and includes Lebanon, Oman and Iran. The strong resemblance between the two bioprovince indicates a relatively good communication along the margin of Southern Tethys during the Cenomanian and improved marine ostracod exchange.

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