
Biostratigraphical high-resolution analyses and quantitative data confirm that deposition is continuous across the K-Pg transition in several sections in Tunisia (El Kef, stratotype section) and Spain (Agost and Caravaca sections) located in the Tethyan realm and the Bidart sections in the Atlantic realm, without any relevant hiatus. The Upper Maastrichtian assemblages of planktic foraminifera from these sections are largely dominated by small biserial heterohelicids. They are associated to common species having planispiral test (i.e. globigerinelloids), trochospiral test (i.e. hedbergellids, rugoglobigerinids globotruncanids), to rare triserial heterohelicids (i.e. guembelitriids) and trochospiral species showing tubulospines (i.e. schackoinids). Stratigraphical ranges of these diverse taxa through the late Maastrichtian in the Tethyan and Atlantic realms show very few changes in the planktonic foraminiferal assemblages and most of the species are present in the Abathomphalus mayaroensis biozone. By our high-resolution sampling and the intensive research for the A. mayaroensis index species in the uppermost Maastrichtian samples, we confirm that this species is omnipresent up to the top of the Maastrichtian. Therefore, A. mayaroensis is present in almost all samples which are late Maastrichtian in age, but this species became very scarce in the uppermost Maastrichtian samples. This scarceness could be due to a climate cooling. A sharp decrease in relative abundance of the deep dwellers species, like as Abathomphalus intermedius and A. mayaroensis as well as in other keeled globotruncanids is observed at the studied sections from the Tethyan realm (indicative of low latitude) across the latest Maastrichtian. At the K/Pg boundary, all the globotruncanids disappeared. They are considered specialists living in tropical-subtropical deep seawater habitat. At this boundary, large and ornate heterohelicids also disappeared. Therefore, all the studied sections show that about 90 % of the Maastrichtian species became extinct according to a catastrophic mass extinction pattern. Only about 10 % crossed the K/Pg boundary and survived during the earliest Danian. The minor difference in the number of disappeared taxa is related to their latitude location or environment paleodepth. The changes in the species relative abundance, observed in the successive planktic foraminiferal assemblages, make it possible to recognize the Acme-stage 0 typical of the upper Maastrichtian interval. It is characterized by the highest species richness of Globotruncanids and heterohelicids specialists of tropical to subtropical marine conditions, the Acme-stage 1 typical of the Guembelitria cretacea Zone, and in particular of the Hedbergella holmdelensis Subzone dominated by “opportunists” species belonging to Guembelitria, the Acme-stage 2 which corresponds to the Pv. eugubina Zone dominated mainly by specimens belonging to Palaeoglobigerina and Parvularugoglobigerina and the Acme-stage 3 which characterizes mainly the Ps. pseudobulloides Zone dominated by biserial species belonging to Chiloguembelina and Woodringina.

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