
In ecosystems, plants are subjected to many potential enemies, both biotic and abiotic. However, vegetables through mutation, natural selection, and evolution developed defense mechanisms changes not only structural but also the metabolic level, which resulted in the appearance of toxic compounds, and more insulating retardants, which have been transferred to their descendants. These compounds are classified as secondary metabolites which are divided into three groups: terpenes, phenolic compounds, and nitrogen compounds. The group of phenolic compounds is the most heterogeneous among the compounds of this group lignin is the most abundant substance in the plant, second only to cellulose. This phenolic macromolecule has a complex branching in three dimensions, but the overall constitution is formed by coniferyl, coumaryl alcohols, and sinapil. Lignin provides greater structural rigidity, durability of fabrics, water transport in xylem vessels and acts as a obstacle the pathogenic action, however, little is known about this dynamic. It is believed that complex genetic and physiological controls act by modulating the expression of genes of lignin and their responses to drought vary depending on the species and the intensity and duration of stress, in which the responses of enzymes could be expressed alone or together with the same kinetics or not. The elucidation of the biosynthesis of lignin contribute to the improvement programs, formulation of mathematical models and for better management of rangelands.


  • In ecosystems, plants are subjected to many potential enemies, both biotic and abiotic

  • It is believed that complex genetic and physiological controls act by modulating the expression of genes of lignin and their responses to drought vary depending on the species and the intensity and duration of stress, in which the responses of enzymes could be expressed alone or together with the same kinetics or not

  • The elucidation of the biosynthesis of lignin contribute to the improvement programs, formulation of mathematical models and for better management of rangelands

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Biossíntese de lignina em plantas submetidas ao déficit hídrico

Janieire Dorlamis Cordeiro Bezerra1* , Sánara Adrielle França , José Ribamar Silva do Nascimento Júnior , Francisco Martins de Castro , Natália Viana da Silva , Steyce Neves Barbosa. Os vegetais por meio de mutações, seleção natural e mudanças evolutivas desenvolveram mecanismos de defesa não só estruturais como também ao nível metabólico, o que proporcionou o surgimento de compostos tóxicos, retardantes e mais isolantes, os quais foram transferidos para os seus descendentes. Esses compostos são classificados como metabólitos secundários, os quais são subdivididos em três grupos: terpenos, compostos fenólicos e compostos nitrogenados. O grupo dos compostos fenólicos é o mais heterogêneo, dentre os compostos desse grupo a lignina é a substancia mais abundante no vegetal, perdendo apenas para a celulose. A lignina proporciona maior rigidez estrutural, durabilidade dos tecidos, transporte de água nos vasos do xilema e funciona como uma barreia a ação patogênica, contudo, pouco se sabe sobre essa dinâmica. A elucidação da biossíntese da lignina contribuirá para os programas de melhoramento, para a formulação de modelos matemáticos e para um melhor manejo de pastagens

Metabolismo secundário
Biossíntese de lignina em condições de estresse hídrico
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