
The authors have used a surface plasmon resonance (SPR)–based biosensor approach to identify and characterize compounds with a unique binding mode to protein kinases. Biacore was used to characterize hits from an enzymatic high-throughput screen of the Tec family tyrosine kinase, IL2-inducible T cell kinase (ITK). Complex binding kinetics was observed for some compounds, which led to identification of compounds that bound simultaneously at both the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) binding site and a second, allosteric site on ITK. The presence of the second binding site was confirmed by X-ray crystallography. The second site is located in the N-terminal lobe of the protein kinase catalytic domain, adjacent to but distinct from the ATP site. To enable rapid optimization of binding properties, a competition-based Biacore assay has been developed to successfully identify second site noncompetitive binders that have been confirmed by X-ray crystallographic studies. The authors have found that SPR technology is a key method for rapid identification of compounds with dual-site modes of action.

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