
Biosensors are devices that combine a biological recognition element with a transducer. The biological element has the property of recognizing and selectively interacting with the analyte. It can be used on the surface of the sensor micro-organisms, antibodies, nucleic acids, cells, organelles , proteins, enzymes, among others. The interaction results in the modification of one or more physical-chemical properties that are detected and measured by the transducer. The main objective is to produce an electronic signal proportional to the concentration of the analyte or analytes group that interact with the biological component. Applications of biosensors can be found in different areas of knowledge: livestock, food, agronomic and others. In the case of food quality analysis, biosensors are applied, particularly in the detection of chemical and biological contaminants, such as pesticides, antibiotics, and various micro-organisms. The advantages of biosensors over conventional techniques is not limited sensitivity and selectivity, but in the fact of usually dispenses a pre-treatment of the sample (practical), speed in analysis and minimum reagent costs, thus providing flexibility in obtaining the results and reduce of financial cost. Thus, this review aims to evaluate the application of biosensors in food samples and the progress of analytical methodology today.

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