
Brazil’s relevant participation in the global broiler market implies the need to face a set of challenges related to biosecurity and environmental sustainability. In this study, we aimed to assess the level of biosecurity of broiler farms in Paraná State, Brazil, and investigate associations of biosecurity performance with sustainability practices and farm and farmer characteristics. Data from 70 broiler farms were collected through on-site interviews. The questionnaires included questions about production variables, biosecurity, sustainability practices, and sociodemographic characteristics of the farm operator. Biosecurity data were subjected to hierarchical cluster analysis, revealing two groups, one comprising low biosecurity farms and the other comprising high biosecurity farms. Production and sustainability data were subjected to factor analysis. Three factors were identified: Farmer knowledge and training, Mandatory environmental sustainability practices, and Non-mandatory environmental sustainability practices. Although the analyzed farms were similar in terms of production variables and operated under the same laws and contractual terms, they differed significantly in biosecurity level. These findings suggest that other factors besides production characteristics and the institutional environment may influence biosecurity, such as the importance attributed by farmers to biosecurity measures. Typological analysis revealed that high biosecurity farms had greater compliance with both mandatory and non-mandatory environmental sustainability requirements. It was also found that operators of high biosecurity farms had a higher education level than those who operated low biosecurity farms.

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