
Microplastics have reached all corners of our planet, including soil and water. Plastic-degrading bacteria are seen as a promising, environmentally friendly tool for the bioremediation of soil polluted with microplastics. The petroleum origin of plastics makes them candidates for bioremediation analogous to the bioremediation of soil polluted with oil and its derivatives. A mud pit, located near the village of Turija, used for mud formation for the lubrication of drill pipes for drilling rigs, ended up polluted with oil and its derivatives. It was bioremediated using the in situ procedure. The content of n-hexane extractable substance, total petroleum hydrocarbon, dry substance, and loss on ignition were analyzed.


  • Микропластика се може наћи у сваком кутку наше планете, укључујући земљиште и водене површине

  • The value of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) was reduced by 70% after three months, and by 87% after six months, which indicates that biodegradation is more pronounced at high concentrations of pollutants

  • This trend of declining TPH values is correlated with the declining trend of HES, which decreased by 72% and 90% three and six months after the application of microorganisms, respectively

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Микропластика се може наћи у сваком кутку наше планете, укључујући земљиште и водене површине. Постоји оправдана сумња да се поступак биоремедијације земљишта загађеног нафтом и дериватима нафте адекватним избором микроорганизама може применити и код биоремедијације земљишта загађеног микропластиком. The impact of plastic waste (macroplastics) on the environment has long been the subject of environmental research, due to aesthetic, economic, and environmental concerns Microplastics are ingested by soil organisms and transferred further, along the food chain (Huerta Lwanga et al, 2017). They can adsorb hazardous contaminants from the environment, increasing the content of pollutants in soil, and have harmful effects on living organisms, in which they eventually end up (Hodson et al, 2017)

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