
In Indonesia the use of clamshell for calcium substitution of poultry has not been implemented. Some research results suggest that clamshell have very high calcium levels. Clamshell can be used as an enhancer of calcium levels in animal feed, especially in poultry. Increased calcium levels in poultry will help in the process of forming eggshells. The calcium needs of poultry farmers in Indonesia meanwhile are being met from snail intake. This intake is needed by farmers, especially for improving the quality of the yolk, in addition to the formation of eggshells. Clamshells of Geloina sp. In Indonesia there is still not much utilization. Thus this study aims to analyze the calcium content of Geloina sp mussels as calcium substitution material for poultry and the condition of poultry eggs produced by farmers. The design or approach in this study was a quantitative research with survey and experiment. The method used in this study was a laboratory and farmers. Activities applied in laboratory during the study consisted of two activities, namely: 1) sample preparation and 2) analysis of substance elements and chemical compounds with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer method (AAS). The results showed that the Powder Clamshell of Geloina sp. had and average elements and chemical compounds contained were Ca level (94.90%), Na level (0.48%), P level (not detected), and CaCO3 level (7.76%). Element and chemical compounds levels contained in the Powder Clamshell of Geloina sp. had a great potential if it was used and treated as good as possible. It can be an alternative solution in the prevention of waste powder clamshell of Geloina sp.) untapped, furthermore it could be applied to the manufacture of products to give added value to support the economy of rural communities in Indonesia. The results of poultry eggs in the third treatment (addition of rations with shellfish powder as much as 35%) have the ability to lay eggs every day with an average frequency of 1 day 1 egg. From the results of this activity it was proven that 65% of poultry had an increased frequency of laying eggs.

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