
Abstract. The possibilities of utilization of biopolymers, the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)in particular, are reviewed and discussed. The ways of their functionalization withphotoresponsive molecules to get desired properties are described and illustrated on severalexamples as well as the processing of materials into thin films. Their room- and photo-thermalstability, studied by spectroscopic techniques is reported, together with optical damage thresholds.Physical properties, and more particularly linear, nonlinear and photo-luminescent propertiesof obtained materials are also reviewed and discussed.Key words: deoxyribonucleic acid, collagen, linear optical properties, photoluminescence,photo-thermal stability, optical damage threshold, thin films.1. IntroductionDuring last 30 years the synthetic polymershave found large applications in almost eachdomain of human activity, and particularly inconstruction, car industry, medicine, textile andmore recently in advanced technologies. Thesepolymers are obtained principally from coal andfrom oil by chemical transformation andsynthesis. However, due to the fact that the coaland oil resources are limited, on one hand, andcontribute to an important pollution of the planet,on the other hand, the scientists turn theirattention to the nature of produced biopolymers.Indeed, the decay time for a thin foil ofpolyethylene (PET), used largely in fabricationof plastic bottles, is 5-10 years. Also the largelyused polystyrene (PS) decomposes in 50 years,low-density polyethylene (LDPE) in 500-1000years. Polypropylene (PP), used in clothingand rope fabrication, practically does not degrade[53]. The fabrication of some polymers, likepolyvinyl chloride (PVC), used largely inconstruction and in fabrication of toys is donewith the use of toxic dioxin. Its degradation isassociated with the production of unhealthysubproducts. These facts explain well thealready mentioned switch of the scientists

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