
Lichens are commonly used in biomonitoring due to their unique characteristics that make them a cost-effective option. Unlike chemical analysis, sampling lichen diversity is less expensive, enabling a more extensive sampling coverage while reducing costs. This diverse group of organisms can be used to detect areas that are affected by pollution, land use changes, and ecological imbalances. In recent years, researchers have been working to establish a reliable protocol for lichen sampling in biomonitoring to enhance its utility and minimize any variations caused by extraneous environmental factors. In this article concentrations of heavy metals s (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn), acidity and electrical conductance of few flowering trees bark (Albizialebbeck, Delonixregia, Pongamiaglabra, Callistemon Lanceolatus, Cassia Fistula, Cassia Javanica) were evaluated to determine the impact the lichen value diversity in six different places based on different environmental factors. It has been stated that the correlation between acidity level and lichen species exists in all investigated tree species. Six lichen species (Chrysothrixcandelaris (L.) Laundon, Graphisscripta (L.) Ach, G. scripta (L.) Ach., leucosorodes Nyl, D. consimilis (Stirton) Awasthi, D. aegialita (Afz. in Ach.) Moore and L.(perplexa Brodo) were registered, among them three were foliose and three were crutose. Lichen leucosorode Nyl was predominant in Albizialebbeck, Delonixregia, Pongamiaglabra trees. It was observed that the lichen diversity was less near heavy traffic location, industrial areas and also rougher bark of trees provided a better habitat of wider variety of lichen species.

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