
The present work was aimed to study the biometrical measurements of the reproductive tract of slaughtered Balady does in relation to various reproductive conditions and seasons to establish the baseline for the size of each segments. <i>Methods:</i> 127 normal pair ovaries were taken for this purpose in Assiut province and classified according to phases of estrus cycle (Proestrous 39, Estrus 12, Metestrus 23 and Diestrus 53) and as well according to seasons (Autumn 36, Winter 40, Spring 26 and Summer 25). The oviduct total length was measured from the top of the fimbria to the tubal uterine horn junction. The lengths if its ampulla and isthmus were measured. Each oviduct weighed separately. The lengths and diameters of greater and lesser curvature of each uterine horn were then taken. The length and diameter of the attached portion of both horns was taken and the number of the protruded caruncles counted. The length of the uterine body as well as the length and diameter of the cervix were recorded. All these measurements were taken with a flexible metric tape. <i>Results:</i> Among different phases of estrous cycle, the estrus have the highest value for oviduct parameters and the lowest values were presented in metestrus (p<0.05). The autumn has the largest values for all of the measurements, with a significant difference between summer. The uterine horns showed highest values were recorded during diestrus. Significant differences were found in the diameters of uterine horn between seasons and the highest values were in winter followed by autumn then spring and summer (P<0.05-0.01). Moreover, the diameter of uterine body was highly significant during autumn. For all measured criteria, the summer has the lowest values. Significant correlation (P<0.05) was present between uterine weight and oviduct weight. The highest values recorded for length, diameter and weight were significantly noticed during estrus and diestrus (P<0.05-0.01). The lowest values were found during metestrus. Among seasons, significant differences in cervical diameters and weight at levels of P<0.05-0.001 were found. The autumn has the maximum values in comparison to other seasons. The summer has the lowest values. <i>Conclusion:</i> The genitalia of slaughtered Balady goats that the typical breeding seasons are absent in Balady goat, but during autumn there is marked tendency for better improvement in the biometry of the reproductive genitalia with an expected higher fertility.

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