
The research was based on a field experiment carried out in the Agricultural Experimental Station in the climatic and soil conditions of north-eastern Poland. The factors of the experiment were: I-morphotypes of winter oilseed rape: population, restored hybrid with a traditional type of growth, restored hybrid with a semi-dwarf type of growth. II-methods of using preparations: variant (1)-control-without using preparations; variant (2)-an organic preparation containing microorganisms as well as micro and macro elements (Ugmax); variant (3)-a biostimulant containing 13.0% of P₂0₅ and 5.0% of potassium oxide (K₂O); variant (4)-a biostimulant containing silicon. The objectives of study was to determine the effect of preparations containing microorganisms as this well as micro and macro-elements, phosphorus and potassium and silicon on the morphometric features of plants, such as: the height of the first fruit-bearing lateral branching on the main shoot, the thickness of the stem at the base, number of productive branches and siliques on the plant, the length of the pods, plant height before harvesting. The organic preparation containing microorganisms as well as micro and macro-elements, applied in the autumn before sowing seeds and in the spring after the start of vegetation, had the most beneficial effect on the biometric characteristics of plants before harvesting.

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