
Modern biotic provinces are centers of endemism surrounded by zones of coincidence of broad-ranged species. Provinces form coherent units of association above the community level. Superimposed ranges are used to construct a surface contoured for provincial diversity. Provincial boundaries overlap. Frequencies of provincial components along boundaries vary from season to season. Relict provinces survive in these zones. Biomeres, as chronologic provincial units, are transgressive and regressive, and exhibit complex intertonguing in boundary regions. Faunal and floral zonal sequences are replicable within the biomere, but are complicated by inversion and recurrence along boundaries. These anomalies are useful in locating boundary zones. Provinciality is due to homeostasis of the ecosystem and is proportional to diversity. Terrestrial biota is more provincial than marine biota. A biomere appears as a pioneer biota under new conditions. It differentiates about centers of habitat diversity, End_Page 615------------------------------ matures through increase in interdependence, and wanes to extinction under changing environment. Different styles of diversity are used to distinguish degree of provincial maturity. In Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian rocks, several terrestrial biomeres, based on insect-faunal and on floral ranges, are present across North America and Europe. One boundary is correlated with paleolatitude, another boundary is meridional. These biotically leaky boundaries are not associated with physiographic barriers. Zonation of terrestrial biomeres shows promise for fine-correlation of coal areas remote from standard and type stratigraphic sections. End_of_Article - Last_Page 616------------

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