
With the growing population and increased modernization, the demand for Power and energy is still increasing swiftly. Increase in the demand for Power and energy, non-renewable resources like oil, petroleum and coal are being exhausted, causing more threats to Mother Earth. Depletion and exhaustion of natural resources result in global warming and pollution. Introduce energy scavenging from renewable resources and other forms of green energy, which replenish itself on a human timescale. Green energies are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to diminishing pollution. Energy harvesters constitute a feasible solution to overcome the depletion of non-renewable resources and the pollution caused by extracting those resources. This paper describes the process of optimum energy harvesting by using piezoelectric, triboelectric, and electromagnetic generators pasted on a tile structure. The design of the energy harvester floor tile is for electricity generation. In this work, Multiple energy harvesting techniques like piezoelectric-triboelectric Nanogenerator (TENG)-Electro Magnetic Generator (EMG) based hybrid floor-tile developed to utilise the biomechanical energy from human footsteps. Electrical energy generation with harvester floor tiles depends on the amount of load applied to the sensors. The load applied on sensors depends on various factors, like the pressure exerted on the tile area of contact by the pressure exerting the object in the tile. The developed hybrid-based floor tile allows for cost-effective, green, and sustainable energy conversion and promotes sustainable development.

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