
This study aims to compare the biomechanical features of a new handy tension band with the malleolar screw, bicortical screw and conventional tension band for the fixation of transverse medial malleolar fractures. This study used 20 Kirschner wires, five cerclage wires, six double-hole U pins, six cortical screws, six malleolar screws, three malleolar clamps and one osteotomy set. A total of 24 tibias of two-year-old cows were obtained and stripped from soft tissue. Each tibia was cut with an electric saw at 15 cm proximal to the tibiotalar joint surface and the proximal tibia sections were discarded. A transverse fracture line was created with an osteotome on the medial malleolus. The tibias were separated into four groups with six tibias in each group. The distal tibia medial malleolar transverse fragments were fixed under guidance of fluoroscopy with the malleolar screw, bicortical screw, conventional tension band and the new handy tension band. In the application of both transverse and axial force, the new handy tension band resisted higher forces in respect of catastrophic damage force being more resistant compared to the bicortical screw, malleolar screw, and conventional tension band. However, in respect of the 2 mm displacement force of the forces applied in the axial and transverse sections, no difference was determined between the handy tension band and the other three implants. The new handy tension band seems to be more successful when biomechanically compared with the other implants.

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