
The efficient utilization of agricultural biomass holds significant promise in addressing energy and sustainability challenges. This study focuses on the optimization of the rice biomass supply chain in the Perlis region, aiming to enhance the resource utilization and minimize environmental impact. The abundance of rice residues generated after harvesting presents an opportunity to create a sustainable energy source while managing agricultural waste. This research encompasses a comprehensive analysis of the entire rice biomass supply chain, from residue collection at farms to the final biomass conversion process. Geographic information systems are employed to assess rice cultivation patterns and estimate potential biomass yield. Mathematical models are utilized to design an integrated supply chain network that considers collection, transportation, storage, and biomass conversion. Key factors influencing the supply chain are identified, including transportation costs, storage infrastructure, seasonal variations in biomass availability, and technological feasibility of conversion processes. Environmental implications are also evaluated, considering emissions reduction through the displacement of fossil fuels. The outcomes of this study contribute to the establishment of an efficient and sustainable rice biomass supply chain in the Perlis region. The developed optimization framework can serve as a blueprint for similar agricultural biomass utilization initiatives in other regions. The research not only addresses the technical aspects of biomass supply chain management but also considers the broader economic, social, and environmental implications, paving the way for a more resilient and resource-efficient agricultural sector.

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