
barrels of oil equivalent (boe) The total energy content of a non-petroleum-based product or fuel in GJ divided by 5.904 6.115 GJ/boe. biodiesel The methyl or ethyl esters of transesterified triglycerides (lipids, fats, cooking greases) from biomass. biofuel A solid, gaseous, or liquid fuel produced from biomass. biogas A medium-energy-content gaseous fuel, generally containing 40 to 80 volume percent methane, produced from biomass by methane fermentation (anaerobic digestion). biomass All non-fossil-based living or dead organisms and organic materials that have an intrinsic chemical energy content. biorefinery A processing plant for converting waste and virgin biomass feedstocks to energy, fuels, and other products. gasohol A blend of 10 volume percent ethanol and 90 volume percent gasoline. independent power producer (IPP) A nonutility generator of electricity, usually produced in a small capacity plant or industrial facility. integrated biomass production conversion system (IBPCS) A system in which all operations concerned with the production of virgin biomass feedstocks and their conversion to energy, fuels, or chemicals are integrated. landfill gas (LFG) Amedium-energy-content fuel gas high in methane and carbon dioxide produced by landfills that contain municipal solid wastes and other waste biomass. methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) An organic compound used as an oxygenate and octane-enhancing additive in motor gasolines. oxygenated gasoline Gasolines that contain soluble oxygen-containing organic compounds such as fuel ethanol and MTBE. quad One quad is 10 (1 quadrillion) Btu. refuse-derived fuel (RDF) The combustible portion of municipal solid wastes. tonnes of oil equivalent (toe) The total energy content of a non-petroleum-based product or fuel in GJ divided by 43.395 44.945 GJ/toe.

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