
Erosion through ravines causes many problems on bank of Chambal river in Madhya Pradesh. It damages rangelands, croplands and infra-structures. Plantation of different fruit trees (Moringa oleifera, Amblica officinalis, Psidium guaijava, Ziziphuszezuba, Punica grantum, Annonasquamosa), forest / medicinal trees (Cenchr sciliaris,Azardirechtaindica, Pongamia pinnata, Albizialebbeck, Dalbergiasisso and Acacia nilotica)) and some grasses (lemon grass, pamarosa, para and napier grass) under four management modules viz. M1-diversified cropping system, M2- Agri-horticultural, M3- Horti-pastoral, M4- Silvi-medicinal and M5- Silvi-pastoral were raised during 2012 at 3x3 m spacing. Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by the process of photosynthesis and store the carbon (C) as biomass.The highest biomass carbon wasyielded in ModuleM3, followed by M2, M5, M4 and M1, respectively. The average biomass carbon was found highest in grasses followed by fruit and forest trees. The study shows that the carbon sequestration in soil (0-15 cm) was found highest in M4 (0.45%) followed by M5 (0.44%), M1 (0.36%), M2 (0.35%) and between depth 15-25 cm the soil sequestration was highest in M1. The percent increase in soil carbon from 2012 to 2017 was highest in M1 (0-15 cm), while in depth 15-25 cm M4 showedhighest increase in soil carbon. Available nutrient status showedtremendous changes over initial value whereas available phosphorous showed decreasing trend under all modules after six years of studies.


  • In recent centuries, the concentration of atmospheric CO2 has increased to 380 ppm, mainly due to anthropogenic activities.[11]

  • Bio-Mass Carbon in Different Modules Since the biomass in plants developed with increasing age, delaying harvesting to maturity may help in development of huge carbon sink

  • The biomass carbon accumulation in above ground was highest in horti-pastoral followed by Agri-horti and silvi-pastoral modules of management of Chambal ravine

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The concentration of atmospheric CO2 has increased to 380 ppm, mainly due to anthropogenic activities.[11] Forestation plays a very vital role in reducing CO2 through soil carbon sequestration.[10] Carbon is found in all living organisms and is the main building block for life on earth. It is present in the soil organic matter, plants and animals, geologic deposits, atmosphere as carbon dioxide (CO2) and dissolved in sea water. Farmers depend on agricultural lands for their source of income, and the requirement for linking food production with environmental services.[8]

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