
Introduction Auto-immune diseases are complex and heterogeneous. Various types of biomarkers can be used to support precision medicine approaches to autoimmune diseases, ensuring that the right patient receives the most appropriate therapy to improve treatment outcomes. Areas covered We review the recent progress made in modeling several autoimmune diseases such as Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, primary Sjogren Syndrome and Rheumatoid Arthritis following extensive molecular profiling of large cohorts of patients. From this knowledge, BMKs are being identified which support diagnostic as well as patient stratification and prediction of response to treatment.The identification of biomarkers should be initiated early in drug development and properly validated during subsequent clinical trials. To ensure the robustness and reproducibility of biomarkers, the PERMIT Consortium recently established recommendations highlighting the importance of relevant study design, sample size and appropriate validation of analytical methods. Expert opinion The integration by AI-powered analytics of massive data provided by multi-omics technologies, high resolution medical imaging and sensors borne by patients will eventually allow the identification of clinically relevant BMKs, likely in the form of combinatorial predictive algorithms, to support future drug development for autoimmune diseases.

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