
The liver is the most widely used site for pancreatic islet transplantation. However, several site-specific limitations impair functional success, with instant blood-mediated inflammatory reaction being the most important. The aim of this study was to develop a preclinical model for placement of the islet graft into a highly vascularized omental flap using a fibrin gel. For this purpose, we tested islet viability by bioluminescence imaging (BLI). Pancreatic islets were isolated from luciferase-positive and luciferase-negative rats, mixed at a 1:1 ratio, placed into a plasma-thrombin bioscaffold, and transplanted in standard (10 pancreatic islets/g wt; n = 10) and marginal (4 pancreatic islets/g wt; n = 7) numbers into the omentums of syngeneic diabetic animals. For the control, 4 pancreatic islets/g were transplanted into the liver using the standard procedure (n = 7). Graft viability was tested by bioluminescence at days 14, 30, 60, and 90 post transplant. Glucose levels, intravenous glucose tolerance, and serum C-peptide were assessed regularly. Nonfasting glucose levels < 10 mmol/l were restored in all animals. While islet viability in the omentum was clearly detected by stable luminescence signals throughout the whole study period, no signals were detected from islets transplanted into the liver. The bioluminescence signals were highly correlated with stimulated C-peptide levels detected at 80 days post transplant. Glucose tolerance did not differ among the 3 groups. We successfully tested a preclinical model of islet transplantation into the greater omentum using a biocompatible scaffold made from autologous plasma and human thrombin. Both standard and marginal pancreatic islet numbers in a gel-form bioscaffold placed in the omentum restored glucose homeostasis in recipients with diabetes. Bioluminescence was shown promising as a direct proof of islet viability.

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