
Education for sustainable development is an important concern for the whole world because it is a strategic tool to realize that every individual is responsible for ensuring sustainable living for the next generations. This research is a descriptive research that aims to reveal the level of students' sustainability awareness on emotional, attitude, and practice aspects. The total sample of research is 86 biology pre-service teachers from one of the state campuses. The data in this study is primary data, which is obtained directly from the research subject. The research was conducted by disseminating questionnaires to students consisting of 17 items of closed questions. The results of the study obtained the average percentage score of students in environmental awareness is at a high level of 81.2%. Then, analysis based on emotional, behavioral and practice categories are respectively found percentages 97.4%, 89.9% and 52.8%. Next, the percentage of awareness based on the year of entry is obtained results with a relatively equal percentage. Lastly, an analysis of the level of environmental awareness based on the knowledge of students on the term of sustainability awareness is obtained as a result that students who have heard the term of sustainability awareness get better results. Based on this research, sustainable practices owned by students are at the lowest level among the 3 categories of sustainability awareness.

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