
This study is carried out in 2003-2005 in order to determine the biology and control of Cytospora canker Cytospora chrysosperma “Pers” Fr. and Poplar Clearwing Moth [Paranthrene tabaniformis (Rott.)] and their control methods in poplar sites in Cankiri. It was determined that almost one half of poplars in Kenbag Poplar Nursery were infected with C.chrysosperma and 1/3 of the poplars were infected with P.tabaniformis; and the insect could play an important role in the distribution of the disease while it is still unknown that whether the pest directly related to the disease. It was determined that C. chrysosperma's spor release dates and the flight period of P. tabaniformis were similar and the hibernation studies on the pathogen that the disease stays alive in winter in Cankiri, and P.tabaniformis adults could be trapped in pheromone traps after the sum of the effective temperatures reaches 120 degree-days and the mean temperature reaches 17°C. It was concluded that C.chrysosperma disease infects poplars at the nursery stage and it can infect healthy trees via vectors, wind and rain, and the distribution of the disease spreads out in regional scale via the delivery of the infected poplar saplings; due to be a scar parasite, the disease infects poplars at the scars caused by insects and other factors; and it is an important factor in high infection ratio of the disease that control methods not being well known. Keywords: Cytospora chrysosperma , symptom, Paranthrene tabaniformis, pheromone trap, control

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