
Gaull has commissioned a number of neuroscientists to review various areas of basic research in brain disease. In order to decrease the timelapse between writing and publication, a book is issued whenever sufficient contributions accumulate. This third volume in the series has development neurobiology as its predominant theme, with chapters on intrauterine brain infections, perinatal hypoxic brain damage, congenital brain malformations, and inborn errors of amino acid metabolism and of other organic acid metabolism. The volume also reviews slow viral infections, the effects of brain irradiation, the neural effects of certain vitamin deficiencies, and biological aspects of depression and mania. Of special distinction is the clear, short, authoritative review of Wilson disease by Scheinberg and Sternlieb, who point out that this recessively inherited complex disorder of copper accumulation can appear clinically as liver failure; or as hemolytic anemia if the liver suddenly discharges its copper overload; or, as a neurological

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