
A biology study of Rhynocoris marginatus revealed that eggs of this species had a length of 2.65mm and breadth of 0.72mm, incubated for 8.07 days with an average 89% hatching rate. Average durations of first to fifth nymphal instars were 9.3, 9.5, 8.25, 11.4 and 19.45 days, respectively. The size of nymphs increased with successive nymphal instars with the first instar of 2.02 mm in length and the fifth instar being 9.4 mm in length. The average nymphal developmental period was 57.9±2.5 days. Female adults were easily distinguishable due to their broader size measuring a length of 15.2 mm and abdominal width of 5.92 mm, while male adults measured 12.3 mm in length and 4.2 mm in abdominal width. The sex ratio was female-biased (0.89:1). Pre-oviposition, oviposition and post-oviposition period lasted for 12.9, 44.6 and 5.6 days, respectively. Fecundity was 279±48.2 with an average of 45.5 eggs per batch. Female adults survived (63.1 days) more than males (42.1 days). Total generation time was found longer in females (129.3 days) than in males (108.8 days). Keywords: Reduviid bug, Morphometrics, Rhynocoris marginatus

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