
Abstract The ornamental hybrid shrub, Lantana camara L. (lantana), is a serious environmental weed and has been targeted for biological control in South Africa since 1961. The established biocontrol agents cause insufficient levels of damage and additional natural enemies are required to reduce the invasiveness of this weed. The lantana mirid, Falconia intermedia (Distant), is a promising new agent that was imported from the Caribbean for life history and host-range studies. The nymphs and adults are leaf-suckers that cause chlorotic speckling, which reduces the photosynthetic capacity of the plant. Biological studies indicate that F. intermedia has considerable biocontrol potential, in that it has a high intrinsic rate of increase, the potential for multiple generations a year, highly mobile adults, and a high level of damage per individual. Host-specificity trials indicated that the lantana mirid has a narrow host range, with L. camara being the most suitable host, but several indigenous African species in the closely related genus Lippia are suitable alternative host plants. Under multiple-choice conditions, adults showed a significant and strong oviposition preference for L. camara over the Lippia species. A risk assessment of potential nontarget effects indicated that three Lippia species could sustain damage levels in the field. The relatively low probability of damage to indigenous species was considered a justified trade-off for the potentially marked impact on L. camara. The regulatory authorities accepted the results of this study and F. intermedia was released against L. camara in South Africa in April 1999.

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