
Henry Clay once said, Government is a trust, created for the benefit of the and Sir William Beveridge opined that object of government is the happiness of the common man. Do you agree? Then how would you define the objective of science? Would you agree that it too is to improve the lot of mankind? his book, Brave New World, Aldous Huxley wrote, is only by means of the sciences of life that the quality of life can be radically changed. Some will object that these are counsellings of perfection not closely allied to reality. It is true that there have been many times when science has been pursued for the sake of less noble objectives such as waging wars, for national aggrandizement, propaganda purposes, and for scientific spectaculars. We could cite examples when governments have lost sight of their main purposes which most of us support. But, in a careful analysis we find that these are but spots on the fabric, not a part of the pattern. As biologists, we know that useful genes are husbanded and bad ones weeded out by natural law. fact, biology teaches a form of ethics almost unconsciously. spite of occasional lapses, the relationship between biology and the government is logical, and we have much evidence of a mutually profitable, productive partnership. The government and biologists are sometimes criticized for supporting certain areas, such as so-called biological warfare research, as an improper use of our science, but to those who know this is most reasonable association between biologists and the government. The objectives of biological warfare research are to learn more and more about the prevention, control, treatment, and epidemiology of infectious diseases whether their introduction and spread is by natural means or is done intentionally by an enemy. It is gratifying to find that results of research at the U. S. Army Biological Laboratories at Fort Detrick, and similar institutions, have helped materially to control the natural incidence of many diseases and has never been used in anger for military purposes. It might be said that the beneficial ends could be attained by other means, and indeed this is possible but so long as the objectives are worthy and we do not lose sight of our ideals, I will not criticize biology. On the other hand, much information obtained in our academic and public health laboratories contributes to our defense against the intentional use of biological agents in warfare. a recent speech Vice President Humphrey said, Most of the funds that have been given for a university research project that is supposed to be for the Defense Department have done more good for the civilians than to the military. This is but one specific example of cooperation between a branch of science and the government. As John F. Kennedy said in his address at the Centennial Celebration of the National Academy of Sciences, In the last hundred years, science has emerged from a peripheral concern of government to being an active partner. Science is moving at a very rapid pace and the government must apply any new knowledge that will help to solve economic and social problems of the people. It took 200,000 years for man to emerge from the Stone Age and 10,000 years passed

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