
Fact, now successfully at the end of two years' activity, which produces, in its own phrase, “A monograph a month”, has just brought out another scientific number bearing the title “Biology and Man: Past and Future” by Prof. Marcel Prenant of the Sorbonne. This for the most part consists of an interesting and well-written summary of the main trends in the history of biology in relation to contemporary social and economic backgrounds. This is seconded by an able essay from Dr. H. J. Muller, who is well known as a geneticist, now of Edinburgh, entitled “The Dominance of Economics over Eugenics” in which the relationship of social systems to human inheritance, and the true value of eugenic hopes, are discussed. He propounds the question whether the present social systems of western Europe do not involve a selection of socially inferior rather than of socially superior human material. These contributions should be of interest not only to all biologists, but also to much wider circles. Fact is edited by Mr. R. W. Postgate; Mr. H. G. Wells has recently joined its editorial board.

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