
The present study was carried out at Guru Kashi University in 2019?2020 on the biology and morphometrics of Papilio demoleus L. (the Citrus butterfly) on nursery plants of Kinnow. The Citrus butterfly goes through first to fifth instars with a span of 2.3, 2.6, 2.63, 3.57, and 5.03 days, respectively. The total larval period was 16.13 ? 0.278 days, and the pupal stage lasted between 8 and 9 days. Compared to female butterflies, male butterflies had shorter lifespans. Each female produced 96.87 ? 1.534 eggs with an oviposition period of about 4?5 days. The incubation period of the butterfly lasted between 2 and 5 days, with a total lifespan of 26?32 days. The smooth, cream-yellow colored eggs were 0.96?1.16 mm in diameter, averaging 1.009 ? 0.223 mm. First, second, third, fourth, and fifth instars? average larval lengths were 4.475 ? 0.231, 8.755 ? 0.143, 13.61 ? 0.211, 24.728 ? 0.685, and 38.655 ? 0.509 mm, respectively. The pupae were primarily green and varied from 27.75 to 37.5 mm. Body length measurements for males and females were 28.02 ? 0.499 and 29.43 ? 0.465 mm, respectively, with wingspans around 91.925 ? 2.152 and 99.8 ? 1.783 mm.. KEYWORDS :Biology, Citrus delicosa, Citrus nobilis, Morphometry, Papilio demoleus

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