
Studies were carried out on some biological and behavioral aspects of Cirrospilus diallus Walker and Cirrospilus pictus (Nees) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in relation to their host, the citrus leafminer (CLM), Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). Adults of both species fed with sugar lived on average 4.45±0.19 days, whereas adults provided with honey survived on average 40.62±1.97 days. Rates of host mortality due to parasitoid stings without oviposition were as high as 31.25 and 37.73% for C. pictus and C. diallus, respectively. Both species showed arrhenotokous parthenogenesis. Sex ratios of parasitoids emerging from the 2nd and 3rd instar host larvae were male biased, whereas from the 4th instar larvae and pupae sex ratios were female biased. For both species, the duration of the development time of egg, 2nd–3rd instar larva and pupal stages was influenced mainly by temperature. C. diallus required 17–18 days at 26 °C to complete development from egg to adult. C. pictus required 11, 16 and 21 days at 26, 21 and 16 °C, respectively. A brief description of courtship and mating (only in C. pictus), female oviposition and larval behaviour is reported.

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