
In the course of studies, it was found that taking inoculation of Scarlet amaranth and Poterium polygama seeds with biologics has a positive effect on the formation of photosynthesis parameters. In amaranth agrocenoses during the panicle sweeping phase, the leaf surface area was significantly higher when seeds were inoculated with biological products than in the control variant for Kizlyarets cultivar by 23.1-36.3% and Valentina cultivar by 23.8-38.0%, the most effective the method was exogenous seed treatment with agric. The maximum parameters of photosynthesis were noted during seed maturation. So, on average for three years of research, the leaf area of the Kizlyarets variety was 64.1 and the Valentine variety 62.3 thousand m2 / ha, the photosynthetic potential, respectively, was 2.05 and 1.98 million m2 days / ha, the net productivity of photosynthesis - 8.56 and 7.66 g / m2 per day. The most intensive increase in the leaf area in the crops of the blackhead was noted in the budding phase, according to the experimental variants, it amounted to 40.8-45.3 thousand m2 / ha in the first year of use, and 41.9-46.8 thousand m2 in the second year of use / ha, in the third year of use - 42.8-47.4 thousand m2 / ha On average, over three years the largest collection of dry matter (6.9 t / ha), feed units (9.1 t / ha), digestible protein (1.45 t / ha) and metabolic energy (81.6 GJ) were obtained from Kizlyarets varieties when inoculating seeds with Agrika biological product. At the same time, the highest seed yield was obtained (1.31 t / ha), which is 2.39 times higher than the control variant and 1.44 times higher than the Valentina variety. Optimization of the plant’s mineral nutrition by seed inoculation with associative bacterial preparations provided for an increase in the productivity of the polygamous monofil. The yield of green mass of the Poterium polygama of the first year of use for an average of three years according to the experimental options was 28.5–31.8 t / ha, collection of dry matter – 7.3–8.2 t / ha, feed units – 4.36–4.87 t / ha, digestible protein - 0.56–0.65 t / ha, exchange energy - 88.7–99.6 GJ. The highest productivity of the blackhead was when treating seeds with Agrika with microelements together with Azotobacter: green mass - 31.8 t / ha, dry matter collection - 8.2 t / ha, feed units - 4.87 t / ha, digestible protein – 0.65 t / ha, exchange energy - 99.6 GJ, which significantly exceeds the performance of the control option. The treatment of seeds with biologics provided an increase in the seed productivity of the polygonidae by 91.7–223.1 kg / ha (10.1–24.6%). The highest seed yield in the first year of use is 1130.1 kg / ha, the second year of use is 1258.9 kg / ha, the third year of use is 1268.3 kg / ha, which significantly exceeds the control indicators by 27.3% and 27.8% was obtained during bacterization of seeds with Agrika, enriched with microelements and together with Azotobacter.

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