
The research data of modification in physiological and hematological blood indices of Trans-Baikal fine-wool breed sheep depending on the season is given in the article. In winter period the pulse rate rises, quantity of formed elements of blood and hemoglobin increase, the protein content in blood decreases. In summer pulmonary ventilation and body temperature increase and it is connected with animals’ adaptive reaction to environment circumstances. An intensiveness of organism biological process grows; protective power forms. Among animals of different inbreed types of Trans-Baikal breed that differ in wool and meat efficiency manifestation, quite high resemblances of frequency of erythrocyte antigens occurrence has been identified. Reliable differences in concentration of five blood groups: Ab, Bi, Mb, Da and O (P<0,01) have been found, and there in the rest nine groups - Aa, Bb, Bd, Be, Bg, Ca, Cb, Ma and O reliable differences in the frequency of occurrence haven’t been found. Among sheep of Argun meat and wool type Mb and O antigen carriers were identified reliably more often than among animals of other population, and Aband Da factors carriers were identified less frequently. In sheep population of wool and meat type animals with Bi, Mb and O antigens were met reliably seldom. Ma factor carriers were also defined with less frequency, but the difference was close to reliable. Sheep of wool type were characterized by wider spread of Ma, Da and R blood types (P<0,05; P<0,01) than other types. The sheep of meat and wool type and wool types were the closest in value of genetic distance(d) = 0,01225. The sheep of wool type and meat and wool types had lager genetic distance (0,01695).

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