
Studies were carried out on detoxification of coffee husk in solid state fermentation using three different strains of Rhizopus, Phanerochaete, and Aspergillus sp. Fungal strains were selected by their ability to grow on a coffee husk extract-agar medium. Using R. arrizus LPB-79, the best results on the degradation of caffeine (87%) and tannins (65%) were obtained with pH 6.0 and moisture 60% in 6 days. When P. chrysosporium BK was used, maximum degradation of caffeine and tannins were 70.8 and 45%, respectively, with coffee husk having 65% moisture and pH 5.5 in 14 days. The Aspergillus strain, isolated from the coffee husk, showed best biomass formation on coffee husk extract-agar medium. Optimization assays were conducted using factorial design, and surface response experiments with Aspergillus sp. The best detoxification rates achieved were 92% for caffeine and 65% for tannins. The results showed good prospects of using these fungal strains, in particular Aspergillus sp., for the detoxification of coffee husk.

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