
There was presented a new approach based on the use of biotechnology in the process of enzymatic depolymerizing of polysaccharides of waste drilling mud (WDM). There was carrying out an experimental study of the possibility of enzymatic depolymerizing of WDM using spent grains and enzymatic preparation. For experimental study was selected the most popular in the preparation of drilling fluids polysaccharides: carboxymethylcellulose, guar gum and xanthan gum. There were estimated on the velocity of its the influence of pH and different components of WDM on velocity of depolymerizing, founded the optimal quantity od spent grains and enzymatic preparation for separation of WDM. As a result was found a significant speed increase of biological destruction of carboxymethylcellulose drilling fluids and guar gum in comparison with decomposition in natural conditions. Drilling fluid from xanthan gum was not biodegradable. Reducing the time of separation of WDM will intensify the process of its recycling.

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