
ABSTRACT The putative nematocidal strains of Trichoderma for controlling root-knot nematodes were isolated from different agricultural fields in Pakistan. The Trichoderma isolates were confirmed using morphological and molecular characterisation. The root-knot nematodes were isolated from infected common bean plants Phaseolus vulgaris and identified as Meloidogyne incognita through phenotypic characteristics. Both in vitro and in vivo assays were performed. The nematocidal activity of the selected Trichoderma spp. was assessed using culture filtrate and spore suspension assays. Parameters including J2 mortality, egg hatching inhibition, root gall index, and egg mass index were calculated. The culture filtrates of T. bevicrassum strain ISO-03 caused significantly higher J2 mortality (71%) and inhibited egg hatching (68%) as compared to the activities of culture filtrates of the other two strains used in this study. The least control activity was observed in case of the culture filtrates of T. viride strain ISO-05 with 21% J2 mortality and 19% egg hatching inhibition. Similarly, the spore suspensions of T. brevicrassum ISO-03 showed the highest mortality of M. incognita juveniles (64% with respect to control) as well as the egg-hatching inhibition rates of 59%. In the in vivo study, the same strain T. bevicrassum ISO-03 significantly reduced the root galling index and egg mass indices as compared to the control. Furthermore, T. bevicrassum ISO-03 significantly promoted plant growth compared to the control. Overall, T. bevicrassum ISO-03 was identified as a potent biocontrol strain against root-knot nematodes in addition to its plant growth-promoting characteristics.

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