
This review summarises theavailable information on the biocontrol agentPhytomyza orobanchia Kalt. (Diptera, Agromyzidae). It gives an overview of a rareexample of weed biocontrol using insects in aninundative approach. A high diversity ofphytophagous insects has been collected onparasitic weeds of the genus Orobanche(Orobanchaceae). For biological control of Orobanche spp., only insects like P. orobanchia whose host range is restricted toOrobanche spp. are of interest. Of the140 Orobanche spp. described in total,P. orobanchia is reported from 21 species. The larvae of P. orobanchia minein Orobanche shoots and capsules. As aconsequence, a natural reduction of Orobancheseed production by 30 to almost 80%has been reported from different countries. Theefficacy of P. orobanchia under naturalconditions is limited by low temperatures, cultural practices and natural enemies. Tostrengthen the natural population and itsimpact, inundative releases of P. orobanchia adults at the beginning of Orobanche emergence have to be undertaken. Different methods for the application of P. orobanchia in biocontrol of Orobanche spp. have been developed in theformer Soviet Union. Releases of 500 to 1000adults/ha resulted in a reduction of up to 96%of the Orobanche seed production.However, due to the 10 to 15 year longevity ofOrobanche seeds, further infestationswill occur in the following cropping seasons.Consequently, releases of P. orobanchiahave to be repeated continuously over severalyears to reduce the infestation to a tolerablelevel.

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