
Abstract Cabbage was transplanted on 10 May with radish and turnip seeded on 11 May into three separate adjacent plots at the Snyder Research and Extension Farm, Pittstown, NJ. Treatment plots were replicated 4 times in a randomized complete block design and consisted of single rows, 20 ft long on 3 ft centers with 2 ft between cabbage plants and approximately 2 inches between radish and turnip plants. Buffers were 3 ft between rows and 1 ft between plots within rows. Standard cultural practices were used throughout the trial. Treatments were applied on 25 May and 9 Jun by digging a shallow, circular trench 3 inches deep and 3 to 5 inches from the base of each cabbage plant. Around each plant, 500 ml of water containing two rates of entomophagus nematodes were deposited. After the application, the trench was filled with loose soil. Nematodes were applied to radish and turnip rows by a watering bucket centered over the row and delivering two rates of nematodes as a dilute drench at the rate of 500 ml per 2 ft of row, 5 inches wide. Crops were irrigated with 1/2 inches of water immediately after application. Cabbage plots were evaluated on 14 Jul by examining 5 plants from the middle of each replicate. Three ft of each radish and 4.5 ft of each turnip row were evaluated on 13 Jun and 7 Jul, respectively. All maggot damage was identified and counted.

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