
Periodontitis remains a major public health issue and current management approaches have failed to impact upon the most high-risk proportion of the population and those with the most severe disease. The objective of this session was to assess if and how, current understanding of periodontitis provides the opportunity to develop new preventive and therapeutic strategies. Based on the current understanding of the pathophysiology of periodontal diseases, the Workshop discussed the potential of antimicrobial peptides, probiotics, pro-resolving lipid mediators, and micronutritional approaches. Evidence-based position papers and expert discussions formed the basis of deliberations. Current preventive and treatment approaches are only partially effective, and this appears due to the therapeutic focus remaining primarily upon biofilm management rather than embracing a pivotal role for inflammation as a driver of biofilm composition as well as tissue damage. There is a need to develop new, more effective, and efficient preventive and treatment approaches for gingivitis and periodontitis, which embrace recent advances in understanding of host modulation and inflammation resolution, as well as direct management of the microbiota.

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