
The profile of immunologically active human luteinizing hormone (hLH) was determined in aqueous pituitary extracts after electrofocusing using two radioimmunoassay systems and the estimates for each fraction were compared to those obtained by an in vitro bioassay method. Similar biological and immunological profiles were obtained in the pH 7.0–9.0 region, where most of the biological activity was present. Biological to immunological (B/I) ratios ranging from 0.6 to 1.7 (mean ratio 1.01; n = 21) were found in the major biologically active fractions of this pH region when a highly purified human pituitary LH preparation (68/40) was used as standard in both types of assays. The close proximity of these ratios to unity indicates a similar composition of biological and immunological activities in all these fractions in relation to that of the highly purified standard. However, marked discrepancies were observed in the pH region 3.0–7.0 where the B/I ratios ranged from 0.1 to 0.9, indicating the presence of immunological activity associated with relatively little biological activity. When impure human LH preparations of pituitary (69/104) and urinary (hMG 2nd IRP) origin were used as standards for the bioassay and radioimmunoassay of the hLH present in the major fractions of the pH region 7.0–9.0, significantly higher B/I ratios were obtained than with the use of the highly purified standard (68/40). These elevated B/I ratios are attributed to the presence in the impure standard preparations of immunological activity, which is associated with little or no biological activity. These observations may provide an explanation for the differences in B/I ratios which were reported for hLH in plasma, using different standard preparations.

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