
ABSTRACT Nepenthes is a dioecious plant, that are male flowers and female flowers are separated on different individuals. Consider the threat of extinction of plant species of high economic value, conservation it is necessary with cultivation. Nepenthes cultivation mostly through seeds because growth through stem cuttings is still very low. Then has done research on the biology of Nepenthes ampullaria, N. gracilis, and N. reinwardtiana. Research has been carried out from Juni 2009 to Juni 2010. Androecium collected from Taratak Pesisir Selatan, Palupuh, and HPPB Andalas University Padang. Research method is a method of observation that includes aspects of the pattern of blooming flowers. Samples taken from the original habitat of flowers that bloom from the male flowers. From the result showed that the pattern of male flowers blooming N. ampullaria, N. garcilis and N. reinwardtiana acropetal generally the same, namely, the process of blooming flowers in a stalk during the week and time anthesis from dawn to dusk, except anther dehiscens on N. ampullaria occurred several hours after the flower anthesis, whereas in N. gracilis and N. reinwardtiana immediately after the flowers anthesis. Male flowers N. ampullaria evenly bloom each flower on a group of flower, sequentially from base to tip. After one stage of bloom, followed by a second bloom in the flower. So on until all the flowers bloom. Male flowers N. gracilis blossom one by one while at N. reinwardtiana flowers bloom in groups, one group completed a new, gradual upward. On N. gracilis and N. reinwardtiana anthesis interest rates start to bloom at the time, whereas in N. ampullaria anthesis interest after the color changes from red to yellow.

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