
Background. The sailfish Istiophorus platypterus is a viviparous billfish species, it is caught by trolling in the sports fishery in Mexico. However, to date, there has been no reproductive biology studies of sailfish in Acapulco Bay, although the reproductive aspects of any species represent essential information for the design of management plans. Goals. Estimate the spawning frequency and batch fecundity to quantify reproductive characteristics of sailfish in waters off Acapulco, Bay. Methods. During the period 2008–2019, a total of 581 fish were sampled. Macroscopy analysis and quantitative histology was used to describe reproductive characteristics of the sailfish gonads. Results. 55.8% of the organisms analyzed were males, the remaining 44.2% were females, the sex ratio (1.26 M: 1 H) was different from the expected theoretical ratio (X2 = 7.53). The ovaries of 155 females were classified into five ovarian development phases based on histological analysis of the most advanced group of oocytes. Sailfish are multiple spawners with asynchronous oocyte development. Batch fecundity for 14 females with the presence of hydrated oocytes but without postovulatory follicles ranged 0.330 to 2.092 × 106 eggs with an average of 1.07 × 106 eggs. Gonadosomatic indices (GSI) indicated that sailfish have a reproductive period with peaks in August and October (mean monthly GSI= 4.3% and 5.4%). Conclusions. Population sailfish in Acapulco Bay is composed of males and females in similar proportions, with a gonadal development by groups that can be described in five development phases, a reproductive maximum during the warm months of the year and a relatively high fecundity.

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