
Fiber cake (FC) is a one of effluent of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) industry. This effluent can be decreased by using FC for bioethanol production. FC is actually Palm Kernel Press Cake (PKC) a residue of palm oil extraction, which containing 57.9% cellulose and 18% klason lignin, and containing 14.94% hemicellulose. This study aimed to determined the effect of fiber concentrations and reaction time for glucose production to investigate the structure of morphology and crystalinity of the fiber cake before and after hydrothermal treatment. Fiber cake was treated by hydrothermal reactor using catalysts 2% H2SO4 (v/v) and 150 oC for 2 hour. Variations concentration of fiber cake which is 2.5%; 5%; 7.5%; and 10% w/v and time variations for 1, 2, 3, 4 hours. The highest glucose concentration was found at 2.5% FC for 3 hour about 2.336 0.015 mg/mL. Scanning electron microscope (SEM analysis results and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) is known the smooth surface structure to be broken an rough after the hydrolysis process and also improvement of the crystal structure of fiber cake from 27.57% to 31.15%.


  • Fiber cake (FC) is a one of effluent of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) industry

  • This effluent can be decreased by using FC for bioethanol production

  • 14.94% hemicellulose. This study aimed to determined the effect of fiber concentrations and reaction time for glucose production to investigate the structure

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Article Info

Sejarah Artikel: Diterima Maret 2016 Disetujui April 2016 Dipublikasikan Juni 2016. Keywords : crude palm oil, dilutedacid, fiber cake, glucose, hydrothermal treatment. Fiber cake merupakan salah satu limbah yang dihasilkan oleh industri minyak kelapa sawit (CPO). Limbah ini dapat dikurangi dengan memanfaatkan fiber cake (FC) sebagai bahan baku pembuatan bioetanol. FC merupakan Palm Kernel Press Cake (PKC) yaitu residu dari esktraksi palm oil yang mengandung 57,9% selulosa dan 18% klason lignin dan 14,94% hemiselulosa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh konsentrasi fiber cake dan waktu terhadap konsentrasi glukosa yang dihasilkan, mengetahui struktur morphology dan kristalinitas fiber cake sebelum dan sesudah hydrothermal treatment. Serat kelapa sawit dihidrolisis dengan reaktor hydrothermal menggunakan katalis H2SO4 2% (v/v) dan pada 150 oC selama 2 jam. Variasi konsentrasi fiber cake yaitu 2,5%; 5%; 7,5% dan 10% w/v dan variasi waktu selama 1, 2, 3 dan 4 jam. Kadar glukosa tertinggi pada konsentrasi FC 2,5% dengan waktu 3 jam sebesar 2,336 ± 0,015 mg/mL. Setelah proses hidrolisis peningkatan struktur kristal fiber cake dari 27,57% menjadi 31,15%

Acid Hydrolysis Treatment SKS dikeringkan dalam oven pada suhu
Pengaruh Konsentrasi Serat Kelapa Sawit terhadap Kadar Glukosa
Pengaruh Waktu Hidrolisis terhadap Kadar Glukosa yang dihasilkan
Karakteristik Serat Kelapa Sawit Sebelum dan Sesudah Hidrolisis
Karakteristik Peak
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